A list of training locations across Canada featuring named Dog Brothers fighters as well as instructors of various related arts such as BJJ, krabi krabong, Filipino martial arts, pencak silat, including Dog Brothers Martial Arts:
Ottawa has the good luck to have two Dog Brothers teaching. Chili Pepper Dog (downtown) started following the Dog Brothers back in the 90s with the original VHS tapes, but never dreamed he’d one day be part of them.
Cherry Dog (Stittsville-Kanata area) started his full contact stickfighting journey at Beat the Crap Out of Cancer 1 in Toronto, and has been hooked ever since.
Chili and Cherry focus on bringing ‘Aliveness’ to traditional FMA training modalities with cross training in the areas of Krabi Krabong and BJJ. Classes run once per week at each location, with a once per month focus on Krabi Krabong.
Check them out at Arnis Canada
Gelinas Academy of Mixed Martial Arts (Montreal QC)
Team Sled Dog at Gelinas Academy of Mixed Martial Arts (GAMMA), MTL
As one of the original 12 Dog Brothers and a “Top Tier Fighter” representing CANADA, Sled Dog operates his “den” (GAMMA) in bustling Downtown Montreal, QC. Instrumental in the development of several seasoned Full Dog Brothers (who also went on to open their own schools), he continues to train fighters and instructors, teaching several arts (Pekiti Tirsia Kali, Kajukenbo, Jeet Kune Do, Muay Thai, BJJ), and still fights to this day.
The Stick Fighting Method at GAMMA is heavily based on Pekiti Tirsia Kali, in which Sled Dog is the highest ranked in the world (as a Tuhon) under Grand Tuhon Leo T.Gaje. Other influences are of Inosanto Blend Kali, Stick Grappling, and the other arts mentioned above. All are welcome to train here!”
Come visit us at GAMMA:
1117 Rue Sainte-Catherine O #222, Montréal, QC H3B 1H9
(514) 281-9928
Check out our website at:
Contact info: montrealmartialarts@yahoo.ca
Follow us on
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/gammamontreal/
Or on
INSTAGRAM: @gamma_Montreal
Outlawz: West Coast Stickfighting (Rosedale BC)
Ice Dog started Real Contact Stickfighting in 2008. A proud member of the Tricky Bastards, Ice loves to bring a variety of weapons to the fight game. Being inspired by the various arts of Krabi Krabong, Silat and Lethwei he enjoys the beauty and brutality of each. Based out in Rosedale, BC.
For more info please visit: https://www.facebook.com/RosedaleOutlawz/
maelstrom at Academie Duello (Vancouver)
Tricky Dog started fighting when Sled Dog introduced him to full contact in 1989. Mostly retired, the work of training and fighting the next generation has been largely passed onto the Tricky Bastards – Lazy Dog, Grey Dog, and Noisy Dog, as well as the satellite members Ice Dog (Chilliwack) and C-Goody Dog (Nanaimo).
The main influences in the DB fight at maelstrom are:
* Pekiti-Tirsia System of Kali
* Buddhai Sawan Krabi Krabong
* Stick grappling
* Various forms of BJJ, wrestling and dumog
Main training opportunity is Fight Lab on Sundays at 1pm at Academie Duello in Vancouver, BC. Everyone is welcome.
Check us out at maelstrom at Ancient Fire website or contact us at info@maelstromcore.com – see @maelstrommartialarts on Instagram.